Getting your Legal Permanent Residency (Green Card) when married to a US Citizen

If you are married to a US Citizen and you entered the US legally, you can likely adjust your status to become a US Legal Permanent Resident no matter how long you may have waited.
Many of my past clients have entered the US as an F1 or J1 student worker, B1 or B2 visitor or by some other legal manner like a Visa Waiver and stayed beyond the expiration of their visa. They get married and one thing leads to another and they never apply for their Adjustment of Status to become a Legal Permanent Resident of the US. I’ve had clients tell me that the thought they waited to long, or they were afraid to face the consequences of overstaying their visas. Sometimes its just the expense of the process that causes the delay. Regardless, its not something you should put off for another day. Get it done as soon as possible.
Not to worry, if you entered the US Legally and got married to a US Citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident who can apply for citizenship. and your marriage is honest and not for the purpose of gaining legal status in the US, you can very likely adjust your status to become a Legal Permanent Resident of the US. Its important that you file for your Legal Permanent Residency (Green Card) as soon as possible so as to protect yourself from being removed. Once filed, you gain temporary protective status and cannot be removed until your matter is decided upon. In the vast majority of these cases, all goes well and the Legal Permanent Residency is granted.
If you entered the US Legally and are married to a US Citizen, but haven’t applied for your Legal Permanent Residency yet, regardless of your reason, give me a call so we can discuss your matter.  I do not charge for consultations and my number is toll free. 1-888-515-3529
Attorney Jeff Pettys
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