
Proof of Relationship for the Fiance Visa

To obtain a fiance visa, the parties to the application must show that they have a genuine loving relationship. Proof of their relationship must be supplied to USCIS along with the initial fiance visa forms and other required documents.   Good proof typically consists of pictures showing the parties together, love letters and cards, phone and email records, and a personal letter describing how you met and what caused you to fall in love. Its also important to submit the traveler’s passport pages so you can show USCIS that you met and spent time together during the required 2 year period preceding the filing of your fiance visa application.

If you have any questions about the fiance visa or wish to speak with me about your marriage plans, please feel free to call me. All consultations are free. You can reach me at 1-888-515-3529.

Attorney Jeff Pettys


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