
Medical Examinations For The K1 Fiance Visa

All K1 fiancé beneficiaries must undergo a medical exam by a US Embassy approved Medical facility before being issued a K1 Fiance Visa. 

The medical examination will include a review of your medical history, a present physical examination, X- rays and blood tests for drug use and identification of communicable diseases. The physical exam will look at a beneficiary’s eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, extremities, abdomen, lymph nodes and external genitalia. 

You will be ineligible for a visa if you are found to have any communicable diseases, which would include, but not necessarily limited to the following conditions:

Granuloma Inguinale
Infectious Syphilis
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
infectious tuberculosis (Class A TB)

You will also be inadmissible for a K1 Fiance Visa if you have any current physical or mental disorders or past disorders, which may recur or be a threat for harm.

Lastly, if you are found to be a drug user or addicted to drugs, you will likely be denied your Finace visa on this ground as well.

If you have any questions about the K1 Fiance Visa or wish to speak with me about the K1 Fiance Visa process, you are always welcome to call me toll free at 1-888-515-3529.

Attorney Jeff Pettys

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